Atlanta Juvenile Crime Attorney

Many people do not realize that a criminal conviction during youth can plague a child into and throughout his/her adulthood. If your child has been accused or charged with a crime, you must take legal action now. Don’t let a case of bad judgment destroy his/her life and future opportunities. With the help of an Atlanta criminal defense lawyer you can effectively challenge the allegations that have been made against one of Georgia’s minors.

Defining the Law

Georgia’s juvenile criminal laws apply to “delinquent children under the age of 17 and deprived or unruly children under the age of 18.” That being said, the juvenile criminal court system is a completely separate system from the criminal system that governs adults, and has its own set of laws, courts, personnel, and procedures. It’s important to hire an attorney like Judy Kim who has successfully navigated, defended, and obtained winning verdicts in juvenile court.

Common Juvenile Offenses

  • Shoplifting
  • Alcohol Related Crimes (underage DUI, minor in possession, using a fake ID, etc.)
  • Truancy
  • Trespassing
  • Drug Possession
  • Traffic Offenses
  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Gang Activity
  • Curfew Violations
  • Vandalism/Destruction of Property
  • Theft Crimes
  • Homicide, Murder & Manslaughter
  • Statutory Rape & Molestation
  • Parole Violations
  • Weapons Violations
  • Arson

Getting the Second Chance You Deserve

Attorney Judy Kim is committed to defending minors throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area, and giving them a second chance to right their mistakes. Judy Kim believes there is nothing beneficial about a minor serving time in jail, and therefore strives to obtain alternative sentences for her clients. She believes that through counseling and rehabilitation, a delinquent minor is more likely to turn away from his/her bad tendencies and become a productive and respectful member of society as an adult.

Atlanta juvenile crimes lawyer Judy Kim has successfully handled numerous felony and misdemeanor juvenile cases at both the state and federal court levels. When you retain the services of Atlanta juvenile crimes lawyer Judy Kim, she will personally sit down with you to discuss your child’s best options, guide you through the legal process, and work diligently to ensure that one mistake does not ruin the rest of your child’s life. In addition, Judy Kim will take the necessary steps to get your child’s record expunged, so his/her future opportunities are not jeopardized.